MSFD sets out 11 illustrative qualitative descriptors to protect the marine ecosystem and biodiversity and help EU countries achieve a good environmental status (GES) for marine waters.
Seismic Activity data identifies the location where a seismic activity occurred, mainly mentioning the date and time, coordinates, depth and magnitude of the activity.
The data identified as SNMB are included in the theme SNMB - "Sistema Nacional de Monitorização de Moluscos Bivalves" - and identify regions where shellfish/bivalve species are authorized to be captured, based on laboratory analysis.
The datasets are included in the 'SNMB' theme and represent measurements related to phytoplankton species captured at production sites, from the SNMB regions.
Seamounts and other underwater structures are key features of the ocean floor with significant ecological and geological importance. These structures impact ecosystems and ocean circulation contributing to the richness of the ocean environment.
Paleoclimatology is the study of climate variations throughout Earth's history. To do this, natural remains are studied that can help determine the climate in past times.
The data identified as DivGM corresponds to the Division of Marine Geology and Georesources, of the Division of Geology and Geophysics and Laboratory (SEISLAB) of the Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA, IP).